今天是 ”Eat with a Friend” Day. 这么有趣的日子,当然要和有趣的朋友在有趣的地方一起度过啦! 这道“千岛湖辣酱蒸牛蛙”,你想跟谁一起分享呢?
Today is National ”Eat with a Friend” Day - an interesting day worth celebrating with an interesting friend in an interesting place. Whom would you like to share this Steamed Giant Frog Legs...
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- Péntek 17:00 - 22:30
- Szombat 11:30 - 14:30, 17:00 - 22:30
- Vasárnap 11:30 - 14:30, 17:00 - 22:30
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主厨梁子庚精选菜肴之—— 松露酱芦笋炒带子。这道菜精选了来自日本的带子,肉质入口Q弹,再配上精选的芦笋,那股鲜美芳香的风味让人胃口大开。而具有森林气息的黑松露酱,更是让这道菜锦上添花!
One of the Puben recommended dishes by Jereme Leung - The savory dish makes up of chewy Scallops from Japan, the delicate asparagus and the Black Truffle Sauce which becomes the icing on the...
主厨精选10道菜肴之—— 云南韭菜花蒸东星斑。经过高温蒸的东星斑稍一拨弄,鱼肉便舒展开来,清香四溢;再配上特别腌制过的韭菜花,星星点点的辣隐藏其间,非常刺激食欲。
One of the Puben top 10 lists - Spotted Grouper Steamed With Yunnan Preserved Chive. The steamed fish spreads out with fragrance once you start eating. Your appetite is stimulated with the spicy flavor of the...