Shanghai Rose

Bar Cafe
Shanghai Rose Bar & Café produced by MIKA NINAGAWA, and it is located in the area known as Waitanyuan, the origin of the Bund in Shanghai.
The Bund nightlife scene is blooming, and on the first day of spring a new bud by the name of Shanghai Rose sprouted on the riverbank. Shanghai Rose is a bar and café, housed in a historic building in the burgeoning Waitanyuan area, right where Suzhou Creek flows into the Huangpu River. The structure was built in 1905 and served as the Shanghai Rowing Club. It is designed in the Victorian and Edwardian Baroque style with a charming cupola crowning the roof. The location affords unparalleled views of the Bund skyline and other Shanghai landmarks such as the Oriental Pearl Tower. Thanks to the visionary of Japanese photographer, Mika Ninagawa, and Tokyo-based interior designer, Akira Takahashi. Ninagawa is well-known for her use of vibrant colors and flowers in her photos which has influential transform the historic villa into various shades of red dominate décor: from crimson curtains to red printed wallpapers to chintzy sofas and cushions. Extravagant chandeliers adorn the ceiling, and vintage lamps, mirrors, and other ornaments add up to the ambience. Since roses are the centerpieces, the interior is decorated with myriad artificial flowers either placed in vases or pinned to the walls. While the first floor is designed as a lounge bar & café during the day, the upstairs resembles an atmosphere of a Moulin Rouge ballroom with an impressive stage for live performing acts such as special dance performances, bands, Djs, comedy acts & more. The two floors both features exquisite cocktails. The first floor lounge is also a café during the day for afternoon tea with varieties of western food on the menu. Shanghai LD&K Food & Beverage Management Company is an independent company from Japan, also one of the country’s major record companies. With the opening of Shanghai Rose, LD&K strives to officially expand into the overseas market. Business Hours | Cafe : 9am - 7pm / Bar : 7pm - 3am Address | 76 Nan Suzhou Rd Contact | 6052 7171/ 2013年的春天Shanghai Rose酒吧咖啡馆犹如一朵脱俗的玫瑰绽放在浦江沿岸,将百花争艳的外滩点缀的更加温婉多姿。他的前身是英国领事馆划船俱乐部,始建于1905年,是上海的“优秀历史建筑”,有维多利亚式顶部设计,带巴洛克的装饰,在外白渡桥脚下熠熠生辉,还能看到无与伦比的外滩天际线景色以及上海的标志性建筑东方明珠电视塔。室内设计邀请到知名摄影师蜷川实花。花朵,金鱼,风景在她的照片里被诠释的绚丽无比。不止在摄影界,她的作品在视频,广告和高级时装界都有很高的评价。近年执导演筒推出的恶女罗曼死更是让她的名字轰动了国内外的电影界。这次也秉承了她一贯的色彩主张,为Shanghai Rose 打造了一个色彩缤纷的空间。Shanghai Rose的一楼是豪华咖啡馆的温情设计,从童话色彩的小马驹到奢华复古的金色镜子和台灯,从粉紫色花朵壁纸到墙上的金鱼和花朵的抱枕都富于温暖浪漫的感觉,适合情侣约会,三五好友相聚聊天。而二楼则透露出了夜总会的狂野激情气息。房间的中心是一个巨大的舞厅,有表演区,和DJ的调音台。红色真皮沙发很随意的沿着墙壁摆放着,为客人们空出了足够大的跳舞空间。每天丰富的主题活动让夜生活咖们可以来Shanghai Rose放松身心、激情舞蹈。两个楼层都有鸡尾酒和多种口味的精致下午茶和美味意大利面选择。 Shanghai Rose 是由上海利德其餐饮管理公司所开业。日本的总公司LD&K除了在F&B行业的经验,在艺人管理以及唱片制作上拥有多年的管理基础。这次放眼中国,以Shanghai Rose开店正式进军海外市场。 营业时间| 咖啡馆:9am - 7pm / 酒吧 : 7pm -3am 地址| 南苏州路76号,近圆明园路 联系方式 | 6052 7171/

Shanghai Rose contact


address: 76 Nan Su Zhou Rd. Huang Pu District, 200002 Shanghai, China


On the street

public transport:

南京東路駅から徒歩12分 12mins walk from South Nan Jing Rd.

Shanghai Rose opening hours

  • Monday 12:00 - 03:00
  • Tuesday 12:00 - 03:00
  • Wednesday 12:00 - 03:00
  • Thursday 12:00 - 03:00
  • Friday 12:00 - 03:00
  • Saturday 12:00 - 03:00
  • Sunday 12:00 - 03:00

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For groups
Wandering guests can come



price category:

$$ mid price

Shanghai Rose facebook posts

Under Groove開催この数カ月以来、来てくれたみんな様への感謝気持ちを表すため、Shanghai Rose今度特別に日本人気DJ K-hiroと国際舞台立つ経験豊かなDJ Ryuzoをプレイしてくれます!

DJ Ryuzo:
「おもてなしのこころ」をモットーととし、 パーカッシヴなトラックを軸に,
その後、Pacha Ibiza World Tour in...

Shanghai Rose, 2014.07.09.

UnderGroove本周五晚带给你们日本人气DJ MASA、周六晚DJ AKKY,另外还有DJ ASTROSONIC以及DJ BARU助兴哦!



——Lounge Music!
——Summer 水果口味特调鸡尾酒!

Shanghai Rose, 2014.07.09.


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